The Exes

7.1 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 6

Shall We Dance?

Holly offers to help Stuart impress his ex-wife, Lorna (Janet Varney), at a ballroom dance contest, but it turns out Holly is no help at all. Adding insult to injury, it appears that Lorna and her partner (played by Dancing with the Stars pro Maksim Chmerkovskiy) are the favorites to win the competition. Meanwhile, Phil meets his female match, Kendra (Garcelle Beauvais), who beats him at his own game.
Garcelle Beauvais(Kendra), Janet Varney(Lorna), David Burke(Jerry), Ava Gaudet(Karen)
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Uitgezonden op:
25 juli 2012, 22:00
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The Exes