The Bold and the Beautiful

7.9 / 10
30 min
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Seizoen 14, Aflevering 147

Ep. #3409

Clarke brings Morgan a silver rattle as a baby present. She is pleased until he starts bad mouthing Ridge as if the temptation of sticking it to him is getting too much. Morgan reminds him that he has to keep his mouth shut. Clarke goes to Ridge and talks of Morgan's baby and how he will be the father figure once the child is born. Sally and Connor search for CJ's marriage certificate with the help of CJ and Amber. Connor tells them that the certificate, along with the videotape from Becky is all they need to file for custody today. Amber has a distant look as CJ tells her that Forrester family will be out of their lives. Stephanie and Rick spend time with the baby. Rick tells her that it's only a matter of time before they are all a family again.
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18 Oktober 2000, 00:00
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The Bold and the Beautiful