The Beverly Hillbillies

7.4 / 10
30 min
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Seizoen 7, Aflevering 2

Something for the Queen

The Clampetts are flying to London to give the Queen the deed to Canada. Jethro smuggles Elly's buzzard on board in a bag & tells Mr Drysdale who wants to look at it. In the toilet Mr Drysdale opens the bag to have a look & the buzzard almost escapes. Mr Drysdale returns to his seat next to Jethro with feathers in his hair & flapping his arms like a bird. Granny sees this and thinks He has Goose Fever. When the Clampetts are driving through town,people are pointing at them. Granny says news has spread how they chickened out of the war of the roses last time they were in England. When they arrive at the castle Colonel Dumbarton next door fires off his sunset canon & lowers the Union Jack flag. Granny thinks he's startin'the war of the roses all over again.!
Dick WessonWarrene OttRichard CaldicotAlister Williamson
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Uitgezonden op:
2 Oktober 1968, 00:00
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The Beverly Hillbillies