The Amazing Race

8.2 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 7, Aflevering 1

Courteous? This Is a Race!

A new group of teams takes off from Long Beach, California on two flights to Lima, Peru. The new teams include ""Survivor couple"" Rob and Amber, son and mother Susan and Patrick and pals Ryan and Chuck, among others. Once in Peru, the teams follow clues taking them many miles to various destinations and exploring the country and its mountains. Tasks include riding ziplines and traveling by several forms of local transportation. Several teams fall behind after carelessly not searching carefully before locking in times on a task that put them behind the rest of the pack. Many teams express a desire to outfox, outwit and outrace Rob and Amber. A Detour, Rope a Llama or Rope a Basket, gives teams a choice of either leading llamas into pins or carrying heavy baskets two-thirds of a mile. Some teams struggle with the llamas, while other teams breeze through their chosen task. A true photo finish of mere seconds sends one team home.
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Uitgezonden op:
1 Maart 2005, 00:00
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The Amazing Race