The Adventures of Puss in Boots

7.3 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 6


Puss tries to bring back the magic spell that protects the town. But he makes a mistake, and wacky things happen in a shop.
Eric Bauza(Puss In Boots (Voice)), Grey Griffin(Vina (voice)), Paul Rugg(Artephius (voice)), Candi Milo(Kid Pickles (voice)), Danny Trejo(El Moco (voice)), Carla Jimenez(Senora Zapata (voice)), Laraine Newman(Pajuna (voice)), Ariebella Makana(Esme (voice))
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Uitgezonden op:
11 december 2015, 10:00
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The Adventures of Puss in Boots