The 4400

7.5 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 10

The Starzl Mutation

Tom and Diana's investigation into a series of gruesome murders leads them to uncover another conspiracy within the government. At the 4400 Center, Shawn receives a gift from another returnee that allows him to see his future.
Billy Campbell(Jordan Collier), Kaj-Erik Eriksen(Danny Farrell), Peter Coyote(Dennis Ryland), Kavan Smith(Agent Garrity), Richard Kahan(Marco Pacella), Chilton Crane(Susan Farrell), Nancy SivakJ. August RichardsBrian GeorgeYee Jee TsoJamie Martz(Darren Piersahl), Ken Camroux-Taylor(Lee Piersahl), Randal Edwards(Glenn), Darcy Cadman(Tim McCarren), Donna Yamamoto(Paula Nakata), Daniel Arnold(Alex Messina), Gardiner Millar(General Randa), Malcolm Scott(Lloyd), Kis Yurij(Forensics Technician), Philip Lyall(Hustler)
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Uitgezonden op:
6 augustus 2006, 00:00
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The 4400