The Drew Carey Show

6.5 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 7, Aflevering 14

The Curse of the Mummy

Kate puts together a video résumé for Drew to help him attract more potential new employers. He immediately receives a call from Proctor & Gamble, and gets a dinner interview. Winfred-Louder begins to fall apart because of Mr. Wick's incompetence. The janitorial staff refuses to pick up the garbage after he insults them. Wick pleads with Drew to return to the store as co-manager, but Drew feels that he can do better for himself. Mr. Wick's promiscuous and very masculine mother tries to intervene on her son's behalf. She shows up at Drew's house and tries to force herself on him. Wick walks in on them and freaks out. Drew misses his chance at the Proctor & Gamble job because of Mrs. Wick's interference. Mr. Wick stops showing up for work, and seems to have completely vanished. The board of directors asks Drew to become the new manager, and he accepts. A plastered Wick stumbles into the Warsaw and tells Steve, Kate, Lewis and Oswald that Drew had sex with Wick's mother and sto
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16 januari 2002, 00:00
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The Drew Carey Show