The Drew Carey Show

6.5 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 6, Aflevering 4

Mimi's a Partner

The gang plays poker with Mr. Wick in the hopes of winning back Drew's job, but their plan fails. Mimi shows up with Steve and gets herself into the game by showing off a wad of cash. She ends up squaring off with Kate in a high-stakes match-up. Kate has a great hand, so she wagers her share of Buzz Beer against Mimi's $5000. Unfortunately, she loses. Mimi quickly manipulates Oswald and Lewis into naming her the new president of Buzz Beer. Her ideas soon help the company increase its profits considerably. Lewis discovers that the cashbox is $2000 short. Everyone blames Drew--because he is out of work and struggling to pay his bills--but he insists that Mimi is setting him up. Oswald suggests that they just let the culprit return the money secretly. Drew's power and telephone are turned off. He admits to Kate that he was borrowing from Buzz Beer in an attempt to pay off his debts. He doesn't want to take money from her because he is used to being the one who helps everyone w
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1 november 2000, 00:00
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The Drew Carey Show