The Drew Carey Show

6.5 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 14

A House Divided

A corporation tries to convince everyone in Drew's neighborhood to sell their houses to make way for a new mall. Drew is reluctant, but agrees to think it over. Mrs. Louder reveals that Winfred-Louder is behind the project. She and Mr. Wick try to sweet-talk Drew to get him to sell. He is interested in moving to lakefront property, but does not want to give up his family home. Mimi suggests that Winfred-Louder move the entire house, and Mrs. Louder agrees. Mimi later tells Drew that she has accessed Wick's E-mail and learned that the house will not be moved to the lake. Drew goes home and discovers that half of his house has been taken away, a week earlier than scheduled. Mrs. Louder and Wick claim that Drew's house was rejected by the lakeside property owners' association. They offer him another lot, which he accepts. Oswald, Kate and Lewis lodge a protest against the homeowners association, only to learn that Winfred-Louder never bought a lot in the area or submitted Drew's
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6 januari 1999, 00:00
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The Drew Carey Show