The Conners

7.6 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 17

The Icewoman Cometh

Bev is back from Arizona and has come to the realization that she'd like to use her finances to spread happiness. She has decided to fund Mark's tuition to a prestigious coding camp, while Darlene tries to convince her to give the money to Harris instead. Dan realizes how much he misses Louise, and Becky persuades him to visit her on tour.
Katey Sagal(Louise), Estelle Parsons(Beverly Harris), James Pickens Jr.(Chuck Mitchell), Stephen Monroe Taylor(Dwight), Steve Agee(Tony), Paul Hipp(Zach), Vincent M. Ward(Bouncer)
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Uitgezonden op:
7 april 2020, 20:00
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The Conners