The Circus

10 / 10
30 min
Historie, Documentaire
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Seizoen 7, Aflevering 6

There Will Be Blood

As the President’s historic nominee for the Supreme Court is confirmed, The Circus examines Biden’s successes, failures and plunging poll numbers. John Heilemann, Alex Wagner, Mark McKinnon and Jennifer Palmieri dig into the dissatisfaction within the Democratic base and the party’s prospects for the midterms; Representatives Stephanie Murphy and Ted Lieu share their differing strategies for Democrats to keep control of Congress; and The Circus speaks with the White House team behind Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s momentous confirmation.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(Self), Jen Psaki(Self), Stephanie Murphy(Self), Ted Lieu(Self)
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Uitgezonden op:
10 april 2022, 20:00
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The Circus