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Seizoen 46, Aflevering 36

Borowski and the Return of the Silent Guest

A confused woman is found on the Kiel Fjord. Her statements give reason to fear that the notorious murderer of women, Kai Korthals, has reappeared. Inspector Brandt informs her colleague Borowski about the serial killer, with whom she once had traumatic experiences. Borowski finds the new case highly inconvenient. He's in love and wants to get married. But when his bride disappears without a trace, he has to ask himself whether the murderer has returned because of him.
Axel Milberg(Self), Sibel Kekilli(Sarah Brandt), Maren Eggert(Eva Dehlens), Thomas Kügel(Roland Schladitz), Lars Eidinger(Paul Muthesius), Lea Draeger(Mandy Kiesel), Özgür Karadeniz(Emre Ömer), Meike Schmidt(Angestellte Krankenhaus), Ninon Bohm(Maklerin), Gilla Cremer(Constanze Jung), Michael Darlinger(Hausmeister), Erich Krieg(Arzt), Tom Saß(Arzt Präsidium), Lucas Thiem(Postzusteller)
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Uitgezonden op:
29 november 2015, 20:15
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