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Seizoen 36, Aflevering 9

Shadow Wedding

On the day that Ulrich Wahl is called at home by his young Cuban lover Teresa, his fears are confirmed. Covered in blood and completely distraught, she begs him for help. There is a dead person in her secret love nest must go. Wahl feels compelled to act, else the fragile construction of his double life would shatter into pieces. The corpse that Chief Inspector Klaus Borowski confronts Ulrich Wahl with is not the dead man from his lover's apartment. It is a security guard who was found run over on a construction site by the entrepreneur Wahl. Borowski registers Wahl's cool response to the news. The security guard Bernd Ruda was run over with the car of Thorsten Brück, Teresa's husband. Brück also works for Wahl, but has now disappeared. When Wahl is then blackmailed, he confides in the inspector: someone blames him for the death of the security guard and is blackmailing him with it. But why is Wahl telling the commissioner about it?
Axel Milberg(Self), Maren Eggert(Eva Dehlens), Corinna Kirchhoff(Karola Saalmüller), Thomas Kügel(Roland Schladitz), Vadim Glowna(Paul Krafft), Mehdi Moinzadeh(Alim Zainalow), Rebecca Lina(Teresa Perez), Jan Peter Heyne(Ernst Klee)
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Uitgezonden op:
20 Maart 2005, 20:15
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