Sweet Valley High

7.1 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 5

What, Me Study?

Jess is on the verge of flunking chemistry; unless she manages to get a good grade on an upcoming test she's bound to be kicked off the cheerleading squad. Winston manages to hack into Mr Russo's computer and discovers a love letter he's written to the secretary, he then proceeds to pass copies around the school. Jess uses this find to con Winston into telling her the password; she then takes a copy of the test and subsequently scoring an A. Unfortunately Mr Russo knows someone's stolen it and immediately suspects Jessica. To protest her innocence, she passes the blame onto Winston by using the love letter as an example. Liz sets out (again) to save the day.
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Uitgezonden op:
3 Oktober 1994, 00:00
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Sweet Valley High