
8.2 / 10
43 min
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Seizoen 12, Aflevering 15

The Final Showdown

Cirie and Danielle go head to head in a tiebreaker Challenge. Who will win and earn their spot in the Final Three, and who will flame out? Before the Final Immunity Challenge, the pressure of what lies ahead weighs heavily on the Final Three. Who can win a spot in the Final Two and a 50/50 shot at $1 million? After the Final Immunity Challenge, one Survivor has the difficult decision of who to take to the Final Two. Who will it be? With the Final Tribal Council just days away, the Final Two prepare for their final statements. Who will outwit, outlast and outplay all the others to become Exile Island's Sole Survivor?
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Uitgezonden op:
14 Mei 2006, 20:00
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