Suddenly Susan

7.1 / 10
22 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 6

War Games

Susan and Jack worry that they're incompatible when they, as a couple, fail miserably at games, and Susan finally throws out Vicki and Ben after a particularly humiliating fiasco at charades. When they decide to consult a therapist, he opines that they are again trying to measure their relationship against an impossible ideal, rather than having fun together in the moment. When they leave they discover the next patient is Todd, troubled by recurring erotic dreams about Jack which the doctor explains as projections of Todd's resentment at being ""screwed over"" by Jack's promises of a raise which never materializes. Meanwhile, Luis and Nana are mugged in an alley by a costumed clown who demands Nana's wedding ring, whereupon she beats him to a pulp and he barely escapes with his life and Luis' expensive camera equipment.
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2 november 1998, 00:00
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Suddenly Susan