Spider-Man (1994)

8,0 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 6

Partners in Danger: The Awakening (1)

Deborah Whitman has located Morbius, the Living Vampire, and brings him back to ESU to work on a cure. Just before leaving town, Felicia hears of this and uses the trip as an excuse to stay behind as the Black Cat. Together with Spidey and Whistler, she has to take on Herbert Landon and the Shocker in order to save Morbius from himself.
Joseph Campanella(Dr. Curt Connors (voice)), Jim CummingsNick JamesonDavid WarnerLiz GeorgesOliver MuirheadBob BergenPatrick Labyorteaux(Flash Thompson (voice)), Don Reed(Clay Marks (voice))
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Uitgezonden op:
10 Mei 1997, 10:00
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Spider-Man (1994)