Sirens (US)

7.6 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 11

Six Feet Over/Under

Johnny and his mom deal with his dad's slipping into a coma in very different ways: He tries to repay an old debt while she places bets on what time her former husband will die. In other events, the guys can't rid themselves of an unfortunate earworm.
Kelly O'Sullivan(Valentina 'Voodoo' Dunacci), Lenny Clarke(Frank Farrell), Jean Smart(Nora Farrell), Brian Doyle-Murray(Monsignor Sullivan), Matt Kozlowski(Stink Hands), Maura Kidwell(Claire 'Stats' Bender), Matthew Lucki(Buddy), Brian McCartney(Smolinski), Ana Maria Alvarez(Lady), Samantha Sookdeosingh(Patient), Matt Farabee(Zach), Gabriel Sullivan(Nate), Darielle Deigan(Barista Rosemary), Erica Hill(Doctor)
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Uitgezonden op:
31 Maart 2015, 22:00
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Sirens (US)