Side Order of Life

7,0 / 10
41 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 8

Try to Remember

Prompted by an interview with a doctor who theorizes that one's first love sets one's course in life and lasts forever, Jenny searches for her own. She discovers he's an award-winning photojournalist and contacts him via his website. Coincidentally he's in Los Angeles and the two reunite. He confesses he still has feelings for her and invites Jenny to take a sabbatical from work and travel with him around the world. She accepts, then declines after giving the matter more thought. Vivy is diagnosed with medicinal menopause and her doctor prescribes unusual treatment to counteract the symptoms. Rick meets with Jenny's mother and is amazed to find her blatantly flirting with him. (Note: Try to Remember, the 8th show in production order, was aired out of sequence, as the 7th[7])
Ashley WilliamsPaul Dooley
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Uitgezonden op:
26 augustus 2007, 00:00
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Side Order of Life