Saturday Night Live

8,0 / 10
78 min
Comedy, Nieuws
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Seizoen 40, Aflevering 10

Amy Adams with One Direction

Amy Adams returns to host Saturday Night Live while One Direction makes their third appearance as musical guest. Sketches include Christmas Serial, Girlfriends Talk Show with Amy Adams and One Direction, Tenderfield Video Christmas Card, Sam/Smith Dr. Evil Cold Open and Office Christmas Party.
Kristen WiigFred Armisen(Magician), Amy AdamsMike Myers(Self), Harry Styles(Self - Musical Guest), Louis Tomlinson(Self - Musical Guest), Niall Horan(Self - Musical Guest), Liam Payne(Self - Musical Guest), Zayn Malik(Self - Musical Guest)
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20 december 2014, 23:30
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Saturday Night Live