Saturday Night Live

8,0 / 10
78 min
Comedy, Nieuws
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Seizoen 27, Aflevering 5

Gwyneth Paltrow/Ryan Adams

Live From New York, It's...Will Ferrell (speaking Arabic) Sketches include ""George W. Bush's Arab Myths,"" ""Boston Teens' School Dance,"" ""Gemini's Twin Weekend,"" ""The Atteburys,"" ""Dysfunctional Family Dinner,"" ""Mango and Gwyneth,"", ""TV Funhouse: Michael Jackson"", ""My Big Thick Novel"", and ""Fiesta Politica."" The Michael Jackson TV Funhouse is replaced on the NBC rerun with a TV Funhouse: Fun With Real Audio about Pat Robertson. Also: Ryan Adams's second performance and a sketch featuring Dean Edwards and Tracy Morgan were cut after dress rehearsal.
Matt Damon(Handsome Drug Addict), Dr. John(Self - Cameo (uncredited)), Gwyneth Paltrow(Self - Cameo (uncredited)), Ryan Adams(Self - Musical Guest)
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Uitgezonden op:
10 november 2001, 00:00
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Saturday Night Live