Saturday Night Live

8,0 / 10
78 min
Comedy, Nieuws
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Seizoen 27, Aflevering 11

Jack Black/The Strokes

Live From New York, It's...Jimmy Fallon Sketches include: White House Cops: The Pretzel Incident, Flenderson's, Russell Putnam: Investigative Reporter, Tales of Valor: The Virgin Sacrifice, Mountaintop Lovers, Friends, Now That's What Actors Call Singing, Bass-Off, HBO's America Undercover, Music International, and My Big Thick Novel The Strokes perform: ""Last Nite"" and ""Hard To Explain""
Julian CasablancasJack Black(Self - Host), Kyle Gass(Self - Cameo (uncredited)), Albert Hammond Jr.(Self - Musical Guest), Nikolai Fraiture(Self - Musical Guest), Fabrizio Moretti(Self - Musical Guest), Nick Valensi(Self - Musical Guest)
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Uitgezonden op:
19 januari 2002, 00:00
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Saturday Night Live