Saturday Night Live

8,0 / 10
78 min
Comedy, Nieuws
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SNL Digital Short: Great Day

An unemployed cocaine addict named Dennis (Samberg) goes on drug binge while singing an elaborately choreographed Disneyesque musical-theater number about how it is going to be a great day. The more cocaine he snorts, the faster he sings, and the more disjointed and surreal the song becomes. Eventually the whole experience is revealed to be a vivid, cocaine-induced hallucination. Cameos by: Jorma Taccone (as a nameless stranger who asks Dennis if he's really going to Spain's Running of the Bulls) and Alec Baldwin and Tom Petty as themselves. 9th music video on Lonely Island's new album, Turtleneck & Chain.
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Uitgezonden op:
15 Mei 2010, 23:30
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Saturday Night Live