Saint Seiya

7,0 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 114

Shine, Stars of Friendship! Legend of Youth

Seiya, Hyoga and Shiryu combine their techniques and Cosmo, knocking down Poseidon. Shiryu tries to destroy the Main Breadwinner with the Golden Shield, but it flies back to him, with the pillar unscathed. Meanwhile, Ikki is mercilessly attacked by Kanon, angry that his ambitions are crushed. Sorrento tries to kill Kanon with his melody, but Ikki asks to talk to Kanon, about the one thing used to seal Poseidon's soul: Athena's urn. Seiya and his friends are unable to destroy the pillar with Libra's weapons. Seiya asks his friends to launch his body with their ...
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Uitgezonden op:
1 april 1989, 08:00
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Saint Seiya