RuPaul's Drag Race: Untucked!

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23 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 10

The Grand Finale

The last 3 queens wait nervously to find out who has won the title of America's Next Drag Superstar. The queens get catty one last time as they review all the girls eliminated before them. RuPaul narrates this behind-the-scenes world.
Kylie Sonique Love(Self - Contestant), Pandora Boxx(Self - Contestant), Sahara Davenport(Self - Contestant), Morgan McMichaels(Self - Contestant), Nicole Paige Brooks(Self - Contestant), Mystique Summers(Self - Contestant), Jessica Wild(Self - Contestant), Raven(Self - Contestant), Jujubee(Self - Contestant), Tyra Sanchez(Self - Contestant), Joey Santolini(Self - Contestant)
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Uitgezonden op:
26 april 2010, 23:00
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RuPaul's Drag Race: Untucked!