Robot Chicken

7.4 / 10
15 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 4

Plastic Buffet

In "Meteorgeddon," Harrison Ford and Aerosmith fly off to stop an asteroid that could destroy the Earth. See what happens when pet owners strap their animals to skis, sending them down steep hills and off cliffs in the Winter Pet Games. Then, watch Chucky get the stuffing knocked out of him when he steps into the lair of Lettuce Head Kids. The post-Muppet Show history of Dr. Teeth and his band is in "Behind the Music: Electric Mayhem." Rated TV-14-DLV
Sarah Michelle Gellar(Daphne Blake (voice))
Nog onbekend
Nog onbekend
Uitgezonden op:
13 Maart 2005, 23:30
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Robot Chicken