Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

60 min
Comedy, Reality
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Seizoen 5, Aflevering 3

Julie & Phil D

Teachers Phil, Julie and 7 year old son Harrison are not quite what you would call an average family. From their mullet and Jesus hairstyles, to their monster truck obsession, to Phil's huge collection of everything from animal skulls to toy aliens, this family enjoy being unique. But everything has its limit, and Julie feels her family have reached theirs. Although she loves how close their family is, she doesn't love their long working hours, the clutter overwhelming their home, or the little time she has with her husband. So she's called in the Fab Five to help them grow up and start taking care of each other, before Phil's collections bury them alive!
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Uitgezonden op:
9 Oktober 2007, 00:00
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Queer Eye for the Straight Guy