Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

60 min
Comedy, Reality
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 7

Voiceover Makeover:Barra F

Across the pond we go in this special episode.The Brit Barra,is a accomplished voice over announcer,and tonight he's going to try out for the British Access Hollywood but his life needs some polishing.Problems:multiple hair problems,his wife has picked his rather dull clothes,and his career has been hindered by interaction problems.Dane goes to a plant store to fix up the tiny backyard and Barras' boudoir has been re done in bright colors. Jason takes Barra to meet with Vince a reporter with Access Hollywood to have a screen test arranged.Julian gives Barra a ""funky but chic"" idea with lots of stripes.To help Barras' voice Peyton gets him a herb drink.Tristan takes Barra to meet the hosts of a popular TV show where they give him tips on interviewing,and being natural on camera.Barra is later given a shorter pointer do with highlights,and to make sure he doesn't look pale on camera he gets a spray on tan.Before the boys leave, they give their gifts:a website and new business cards.The
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13 juli 2004, 00:00
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Queer Eye for the Straight Guy