Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

60 min
Comedy, Reality
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Romancing the Coach: Mark Fi

The Fab Five has gotten used to receiving letters,calls,and emails from desperate wives,moms,and girlfriends pleading to change their significant men,so when the Pelham High School Girls Volleyball team emailed them about their coach it was a no brainer.Upon meeting mark,Carson notes the need for variation so he takes Mark to a golfing store for outfits he can wear to the course,out with his wife Cindy and times for coaching games.Jai shows Mark virtual golf,and they talk his relationship with his Cindy and how much he is thankful to have her,to show that Jai gets him a locket with their wedding photo and a picture of their son.Kyan takes him to a spa and gets him some hair gel.Ted after learning that Cindy is allergic to Gluten takes Mark to a health store where they gets lots of gluten free food and Ted teaches mark how to make a raspberry parfait.Mark's house was built in 1926, and so Thom gets modern pieces that mix with the architecture of the house, he also rearranges the living
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Uitgezonden op:
20 april 2004, 00:00
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Queer Eye for the Straight Guy