
7.6 / 10
23 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 7

Trail Blazers

Joaquin makes a smoothie. Kickstarter videos compete at the Cant’s Film. Sandra visits a tattoo removal parlor. Malcolm and Kris make their own clothing. Toni and Candace coach the Portland Trail Blazers’ dance team. Guest starring Gus Van Sant, Paul Allen and The Portland Trail Blazers.
Ebbe Roe Smith(Ebbe), LaMarcus Aldridge(LaMarcus Aldridge), Damian Lillard(Damian Lillard), CJ McCollum(C.J. McCollum), Gus Van Sant(Gus Van Sant), Robin Lopez(Robin Lopez), Thomas Robinson(Thomas Robinson), Paul Allen(Paul Allen)
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Uitgezonden op:
10 april 2014, 22:00
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