Pawn Stars

7.8 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 14

Honest Abe

Join the Pawn Stars as they are presented with an Abraham Lincoln campaign ribbon from the 1860 presidential race. Will this historic piece of presidential memorabilia win their vote or will a tough debate leave the shop divided? Then, Chumlee and the Old Man have a chance to buy a fully functional 19th century dynamite detonator. Will they wire up a deal and blast through a negotiation or will it blow up in their faces? And later, a man comes in with a pair of classic 1990 Air Jordan basketball sneakers. Will the guys make an easy slam dunk or will a late whistle on the play call foul?
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Uitgezonden op:
1 november 2010, 22:00
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Pawn Stars