One Piece

8.6 / 10
25 min
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Seizoen 10, Aflevering 347

Chivalry Remains! The Traitorous Zombie Protects Nami!

Despite Absalom's attempts to halt Lola and abduct Nami to be her bride, both intents failed as the latter flees from Lola with Usopp and Chopper unable to slow the warthog zombie down. While the Wild Zombies disrespected his orders for them to not harm Nami, Absalom puts the lot in their place while venting his bad mode on Inuppe by blasting him into a wall for his insolence. At the same time, Franky and Robin buy some time against the Taralan and the General Zombies by the former destroying the bridge to trap the zombies in the courtyard while Robin flies them to the area of the castle behind Taralan. As Taralan was about to pursue them, Brook suddenly falls from the sky.
Keiichi Sonobe(Silvers Rayleigh (voice)), Kazue Ikura(Sentoumaru (voice)), Akiko Hiramatsu
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Uitgezonden op:
16 Maart 2008, 09:30
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One Piece