One Born Every Minute

9,0 / 10
60 min
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Seizoen 8, Aflevering 5

Episode 5

Three more sets of parents-to-be arrive at Liverpool Women's Hospital to welcome new additions to their families, including 29-year-old Kate and her 32-year-old husband Pete, whose short-term memory was damaged following a hard-fought battle against meningitis and encephalitis 10 years earlier. The pair hope Pete's brain injury will not stop him from being able to recall this memorable moment in the future. Also featured is third-time mother Lisa, whose previous two labours only lasted six and four hours respectively, and former drama school student Hayley, who already has children with her other-half Stephen, and has resolved to appreciate every moment with her family after losing her own mother at an early age.Three more sets of parents-to-be arrive at Liverpool Women's Hospital to welcome new additions to their families, including 29-year-old Kate and her 32-year-old husband Pete, whose short-term memory was damaged following a hard-fought battle against meningitis and encephalitis 10 years earlier. The pair hope Pete's brain injury will not stop him from being able to recall this memorable moment in the future. Also featured is third-time mother Lisa, whose previous two labours only lasted six and four hours respectively, and former drama school student Hayley, who already has children with her other-half Stephen, and has resolved to appreciate every moment with her family after losing her own mother at an early age.
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19 augustus 2015, 00:00
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One Born Every Minute