Odd Squad

7.8 / 10
15 min
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Seizoen 3, Aflevering 6

Raising the Bar / The Thrill of the Face

When the Mobile Unit gets ranked low on the Odd Squad Magazine progress reports, Opal and Orla kick into competitive mode and try to solve as much oddness as possible. Meanwhile, Omar and Oswald visit the Chief of Graph at the Odd Squad Graphing Headquarters in hope of figuring out a safer solution. The Mobile Unit gets called back to the Museum of Natural Odd when Oswald's replacement, Ortho, has gone radio silent. But when they arrive and find out an ancient stone warrior has been let loose, they must de-code Ortho's strange numbering system to capture the stone warrior and save the museum.
Ana Araújo(Chief of Graph)
Nog onbekend
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Uitgezonden op:
24 februari 2020, 07:30
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Odd Squad