Murder, She Wrote

7.8 / 10
50 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 16

Murder Through the Looking Glass

Jessica gets herself into a mess of trouble after overhearing the dying words of a professional hitman. When she investigates the murder of Adam Cosgrove, she soon discovers that no one seems to want to admit he's missing, let alone dead. With the help of a prickly police sergeant and a priest who isn't quite what he seems, Jessica discovers that the man who was killed was in charge of leading a top-secret government mission to protect a foreign diplomat, and that someone in the safehouse has gone to the other side.
Gregory SierraRobert Reed(Adrian Winslow), Dan ShorKaren Valentine
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Uitgezonden op:
21 februari 1988, 00:00
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Murder, She Wrote