
8,0 / 10
43 min
Comedy, Detective
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 4

Mr. Monk Goes to the Circus

When a sarcastic and unpopular ringmaster is murdered by an acrobat wearing a face mask and a Ninja-like costume, Stottlemeyer suspects an animal trainer who not only has a motive but also owns the murder weapon. Monk, however, suspects the ringmaster's ex-wife, a trapeze artist billed as The Queen of the Sky who is also a sharpshooter. Meanwhile, the Monk alienates Sharona by telling her that her fear of elephants is irrational and advising her to suck it up.
Stanley Kamel(Dr. Charles Kroger), Kane Ritchotte(Benjy Fleming), Lolita Davidovich(Natasia Lovara), Marek Probosz(Sergei), Steve Monroe(Chet Walsh), Mark Ivanir(Edgar Heinz), Lola Glaudini(Ariana Dakkar), Ilia Volok(Nikolai Petroff), Lance Krall(Salesman), Mif(Club Manager), K.T. Thangavelu(Radiologist), Daniel Faltus(Maitre d'), Voki Kalfayan(Juggler), Jeff Witzke(Human Cannonball), Tai(Elephant (uncredited)), Christin Taylor-Antonio(Circusgoer (uncredited))
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Uitgezonden op:
18 juli 2003, 00:00
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