Midsomer Murders

8.2 / 10
105 min
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Seizoen 21, Aflevering 2

The Miniature Murders

The worlds of miniature dollhouses and real houses collide when a prolific real-estate agent is shot in front of a crowd at the unveiling of a new dollhouse collection at the Midsomer Museum of the Family. The victim had no small number of enemies: he was an unpopular landlord, an estranged husband with a new lover, and a party to a manslaughter case years ago.
Clare Holman(Fiona Beauvoisin), Eleanor Bron(Maxine Dobson), Isabel Shaw(Betty Barnaby), Lee Byford(Police Officer), Rosalie Craig(Carys Nicholson), Katy Brand(Jemima Starling), Roger Barclay(Alexander Beauvoisin), Joanna Page(Holly Ackroyd), Thomas Dominique(Wesley Peters), Rohan Nedd(Finn Wokoma), Karl Collins(Samuel Wokoma), Ami Okumura Jones(Erin Turner), Tom Anderson(Forensic Officer), Lucie Cooper-Jones(Parent)
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Uitgezonden op:
4 februari 2020, 20:00
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Midsomer Murders