Midsomer Murders

8.2 / 10
105 min
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Seizoen 17, Aflevering 2

Murder by Magic

When a pub landlady is crushed to death during a magic show in Midsomer Oaks, Barnaby and Nelson uncover conflict between the village church and ancient pagan traditions. Is famous magician Gideon Latimer to blame or is he the target?
Deborah Findlay(Lorna Soane), Merelina Kendall(Dr Grenville), Sykes(Sykes the Jack Russell Terrier), Andrew-Lee Potts(Gideon Latimer), Jack Shepherd(Magnus Soane), Fraser Ayres(Theo Bainbridge), Stephanie Leonidas(Annabel Latimer), Amanda Burton(Carole Latimer), Joe Absolom(Luke Altman), Justin Salinger(Andrew Maplin), Alan McKenna(Rhodri Probert), Noma Dumezweni(Ailsa Probert), Raj Awasti(Postman), Hannah Blamires(Police Officer)
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Uitgezonden op:
4 februari 2015, 21:00
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Midsomer Murders