Melrose Place

7.4 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 7, Aflevering 11

Not Quite All About Eve

Lexi does not tell Amanda about the kidnapping because she doesn't want Peter to go to prison. Singer Eve Cleary is struck by a car outside outside the club after Kyle fires her. Peter assists in her recuperation, and Amanda convinces Kyle to give Eve another chance. Amanda is annoyed when Kyle continues to obsess over the missing journal page. Amanda has a clandestine meeting with Eve outside the club. She tells her that she once told a friend their secret, but will not make this mistake again. Amanda fires Ryan because she suspects that he leaked information to Lexi's agency. She welcomes him back after he proves that her assistant was the actual spy. Megan tells Ryan about her past and explains her reluctance to open up to him. Michael pretends to go out of town, then keeps Jane and Alex under surveillance. Jane fears that Michael is having an affair with Megan, but resists Alex's persistent advances.
John Newton(Ryan McBride), Steve WilderKin ShrinerRena Sofer(Eve Cleary), Terri Johnson(Receptionist), Lynn Meneses(Nurse Lynn)
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Uitgezonden op:
19 Oktober 1998, 00:00
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Melrose Place