Melrose Place

7.4 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 5, Aflevering 7

Young Doctors in Heat

Amanda and Peter continue to fight constantly. Peter decides to stay with Michael and Kimberly for a while. He spends one night on the McBrides' couch after drinking heavily. While he is sleeping, Taylor stares at him and talks about how much she missed him. Amanda rents the restaurant for the night and reconciles with Peter. When Jake refuses to respond, Alison confronts Jane about her loony behavior. Megan insists that Michael doesn't need to know anything about her. Kimberly undergoes an MRI to determine the cause of her headaches. Kyle comforts Sydney after she has a disastrous blind date with an acquaintance of Samantha's. Matt expresses a romantic interest in Dan.
Josie Bissett(Jane Mancini), Kelly Rutherford(Megan Lewis), David Charvet(Craig Field), Greg Evigan(Dan Hathaway), Michael Des Barres(Arthur Field), Clay Greenbush(Ben), Floyd Levine(Dr. Howard Stein), Marlene Mitsuko Yamane(Technician)
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Uitgezonden op:
11 november 1996, 00:00
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Melrose Place