Melrose Place

7.4 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 7

Let the Games Begin

Amanda is incensed when Brooke secures Jack's cable company as a client for D&D. Michael hires a waiter and aspiring actor named Mark Paul to impersonate Henry. Amanda holds a ""We Survived the Blast of '95"" party in the courtyard. Kimberly receives permission to drop by the party with Peter to apologize for her actions. Amanda agrees to forgive her. Mark Paul hides in the laundry room and startles Kimberly. Jane declares war on Jo over the broken engagement. Shelly throws herself at Jake during the party, as Jo is working late with Richard. Alison sleeps with Hayley. Brooke tries to convince Alison that Hayley is a womanizing pig. Matt's parents suggest that he use his settlement to return to medical school. Matt's father dies of congestive heart disease. When Amanda goes to Jack's house for dinner, she learns that his fiancée does not exist. He declares that he will never let go of Amanda.
Kristin Davis(Brooke Armstrong), Patrick Muldoon(Richard Hart), Bruce Gray(Mr. Fielding's Doctor), Perry King(Hayley Armstrong), Hudson Leick(Shelly Hanson), Antonio Sabàto, Jr.(Jack Parezi), John Durbin(Mark Paul), Joyce Brothers(Dr. Joyce Brothers (voice)), James Handy(Matt Fielding Sr.), Claudette Nevins(Constance Fielding)
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Uitgezonden op:
16 Oktober 1995, 00:00
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Melrose Place