Melrose Place

7.4 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 27

Triumph of the Bill

Billy uses underhanded means to steal the keynote speech at an ad convention away from Alison. He makes an emotional speech about lying, and reveals that he has sold his soul to become a star in the industry. After Billy is a hit at the convention, Amanda sleeps with him. Alison quits her job and learns that Amanda is using Billy to help her career. Kimberly develops another personality, a cool biker chick named Rita. She refuses Peter's medical advice. Sydney blackmails Alycia into rehiring Bobby, but he instead seeks honest work as a mechanic. Sydney offers to let the homeless Bobby stay at her apartment. Claire has been hired by Richard to break up Jake and Jane. She tells Jane that she is having an affair with Jake. Jane fires Claire and breaks up with Jake. Jake rejects a reconciliation attempt by Jo and crawls back to Jane.
Patrick Muldoon(Richard Hart), Michael Des Barres(Arthur Field), Anne-Marie Johnson(Alycia Barnett), Teresa Hill(Claire Duncan), David St. James(Jack), Julie Newmar(Julie Newmar), John Enos III(Bobby Parezi), Tim Grimm(Dennis)
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Uitgezonden op:
18 Maart 1996, 00:00
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Melrose Place