Melrose Place

7.4 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 2, Aflevering 29

Imperfect Strangers

Kimberly threatens Sydney when she tries to stake her claim on Michael. Syd's business party is crashed by a newly freed Lauren, who breaks their earlier agreement and demands $15,000 by the end of the week. When Jane refuses to help her, Sydney takes a job as a stripper. Kimberly is still disturbed by Michael's marriage to Sydney, and makes plans for revenge. Alison is annoyed when Amanda hires her mother's fiancé, Chas. He refuses to take his share of the work, and ingratiates himself with Amanda by helping her smooth things over with Hillary. Alison later catches Amanda and Chas kissing in a conference room. Jo conducts a photo shoot with her model friend, Sarah, aboard the Pretty Lady. They are forced to stay for a few hours when the boat experiences engine trouble, and Jake and Jo nearly rekindle their romance. Sarah seeks refuge at Jo's apartment after her visiting boyfriend Hank attacks her. Hank shows up at Jo's doorstep and tries to come after Sarah. When Jo steps between them
Laura Leighton(Sydney Andrews), Marcia Cross(Kimberly Shaw), Carmen Argenziano(Dr. Stanley Levin), Kristian Alfonso(Lauren Ethridge), Stanley Kamel(Bruce Teller), Cassidy Rae(Sarah Owens), Linda Gray(Hillary Michaels), Jeff Kaake(Chas Russell), Thom Bierdz(Hank), Marty Rackham(Strip Club Owner), Debbie James(Tina), Amber Van Lent(Renee)
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Uitgezonden op:
4 Mei 1994, 00:00
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Melrose Place