Melrose Place

7.4 / 10
44 min
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Seizoen 1, Aflevering 27

The Test

Jake and Jo are forced to submit to AIDS tests after his ex-girlfriend Peri reveals that she is HIV positive. Unable to cope with their anxiety, Jake and Jo take off on his bike and spend the night in the desert. He apologizes for the situation, and they confess their love. They declare that they will appreciate their lives more, regardless of the test results. Their tests come back negative, and Jake offers his support to Peri. Billy uses an embellished résumé to win a job at Escapade Magazine. His boss, Nancy, develops a crush on him. Alison returns to D&D and begs for her old job. Unfortunately, Amanda is in charge of hiring for the position. She lets Alison work as a receptionist, until Lucy forces her to re-hire Alison. Amanda continues to treat Alison badly, but denies that it has anything to do with Billy.
Heather Locklear(Amanda Woodward), Daphne Zuniga(Jo Reynolds), Michelle Johnson(Perry Morgan), Deborah Adair(Lucy Cabot), Patrick Breen(Cameron), Meg Wittner(Nancy Donner), Gil Colon(Counselor), Mary Ingersoll(Counselor), Susannah Hoffmann('Escapade Magazine' Receptionist)
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Uitgezonden op:
31 Maart 1993, 00:00
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Melrose Place