Macross 7

9.5 / 10
25 min
Actie, Sciencefiction, Animatie, Muziek
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Macross FB7 - Ore no Uta o Kike!

The story is set in 2059, five decades after the Space War I conflict seen in the first Macross story. Macross Frontier, the 25th New Macross Class super-long-distance colonization fleet, is journeying through the galaxy to a new paradise to call home. However, it is locked in a state of war with a strange enemy called Vajra. Ozma Lee, the leader of the S.M.S. Skull Team that is fighting the Vajra on the frontlines, encounters a mysterious lifeform, different from even the Vajra, one day. This mysterious lifeform shares visual memories of a certain other colonization fleet with Ozma and two other Macross Frontier characters, Ranka and Sheryl. Note: The 90-minute title takes remastered and re-edited footage from the Macross 7 television series and combines it with brand-new Macross Frontier footage to create a "completely new form of entertainment." The "hybrid rock anime" is billed as a "miraculous duet" between the two parts of the Macross franchise.
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20 Oktober 2012, 11:00
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Macross 7