Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

8.4 / 10
44 min
Juridisch, Politie
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Seizoen 9, Aflevering 14


The robbery of fertilized embryos from a sperm bank call for Benson and Stabler to track down the thief. Clues from the clinic's security tape lead them to a long list of suspects including two publicity-hungry extremists. The detectives race against the clock to find the missing embryos, but that isn't the only clock that's ticking - Olivia considers her own fertility and the possibility of motherhood.
Joanna Merlin(Lena Petrovsky), John Schuck(Chief of Detectives Muldrew), Gabrielle Anwar(Eva Sintzel), Emilio Delgado(Aaron Carrera), Meredith Eaton(Jocelyn Miller), Janine Turner(Victoria Grall), Mark Moses(George Thanos), Richard Masur(Dr. Berletch), Cindy Cheung(Hospital Doctor), Jane Fergus(Newscaster), James Waterston(Luke Bolton), Darrin Baker(Stan Jorgensen), Kevin Kane(Terry Bruno), Austin Lysy(Russell Hunter), Erica Bradshaw(Court Clerk), Charity Henson(Carol), Danielle Skraastad(Magda Plasky), Meredith Zinner(Maya Jorgensen), Rightor Doyle(Chad Ogilvy), Tom Treadwell(Segment Producer), Jason R. Moore(Jensen Delivery Man), Gabrielle Lansner(IVF Tech)
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Uitgezonden op:
22 januari 2008, 21:00
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit