Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

8.4 / 10
44 min
Juridisch, Politie
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Seizoen 8, Aflevering 6


Novak tries to find Benson when the case for a previous rape victim, Chelsea Arndale, hinges on her testimony. Benson, meanwhile, is still living as Persephone James and has been arrested in Oregon after the ecologist's group she has infiltrated is involved in a fracas with the local police. After the local sheriff advises her that her group is being looked at in connection with a recent murder, Benson decides to do a little investigating on her own and learns that the man was a pedophile. When she finally finds his private hideaway, it leads to a shocking conclusion.
Ned Eisenberg(Roger Kressler), Maria Thayer(Hope), Charles Martin Smith(Sheriff Bartley), Chris Bowers(T-Bone), Debra Jo Rupp(Debra Hartnell), Steven Rishard(Jimmy Ibold), Vincent Spano(Dean Porter), Kelly McAndrew(Diane Griffin), George R. Sheffey(Larry Wilcox), Joe Tapper(Aaron Householder), Keri Setaro(Kristy Shutt), David Dollase(Agent Lockwood), Frederick Strother(Siburt (scenes deleted)), Molly Camp(Mary Colten), Candace Thompson(Chelsea Arndale), Mark Leydorf(Ray Denning), J.B. Adams(Richard White), Donald Warfield(John Dunlap), Marvina Vinique(Reporter), Danny Vaccaro(Reporter), Leslie Becker(Reporter), Gina Rice(Reporter)
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31 Oktober 2006, 21:00
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit