Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

8.4 / 10
44 min
Juridisch, Politie
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Seizoen 5, Aflevering 8


Benson and Stabler have trouble identifying a male murder victim in his 20's found in a pile of sheets in the West Village; they later suspect an outspoken minister who was in the process of flooding the victim with hate mail and death threats. When the activist's alibi checks out, the detectives turn their attention to a professor who objects to the victim's thesis on the failure of sexual re-education groups.
Diane Neal(Amelia Chase), Daniel Sunjata(Burt Trevor), Fred Thompson(Arthur Branch), George Segal(Dr. Roger Tate), Jonathan Tucker(Ian Tate), Daphne Zuniga(Defense Attorney Emma Dishell), Tim Bohn(Mark Simmons), Alison Fraser(Dr. Elizabeth Cahill), James Otis(Reverend Mitchell Shaw), Peter McRobbie(Walter Bradley), Jim Titus(Officer Marvin Bryson), Michael Boatman(Dave Seaver), Caren Browning(Judith Siper), Elizabeth Flax(Carey Hutchins), Jeff Ware(Dr. Waldman), Don Stephenson(Alan Hubert), Andrea Cirie(Alicia Flock), Stephanie Mnookin(Crossing Guard), Kathleen Lancaster(Sandy Klein), Alice Schaerer(Laura Klein), Cecilia Vanti(Tate's Receptionist), Craig Zucchero(Tony), Tim Spanjer(Bartender), Jeff Benson(Protestor with Camera), James Abrams(First Grader), Rick Johnson(Clerk), David Lipman(Arthur Cohen)
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11 november 2003, 00:00
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit