Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

8.4 / 10
44 min
Juridisch, Politie
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When an elderly woman with Alzheimer's breaks into an apartment, the detectives discover she had been abused, triggering memories of similar crimes from her childhood. They discover that she had been released from a nursing home to the custody of her financially scheming son who becomes the prime suspect. However, they go back to the nursing home to find a pair of suspects; the real crime is what's being done to the elderly.
Tamara Tunie(Dr. Melinda Warner), Lou Martini Jr.(Ron Freddo), Tom O'Rourke(Mark Seligman), Gary Cowling(Hecht), Rosalyn Coleman(Gloria Padilla), Arthur French(Mr. Jackson), Mary Kay Place(Hope Garrett), Jane Powell(Bess Sherman), Jay Thomas(Joe Sherman), Andy Powers(Jeff Phelps), Leo Leyden(Mr. Leonard), Patricia R. Floyd(Louise), Magaly Colimon(Dr. Erica Olsen), Georgine Hall(Millie Ellswood), Sean Grennan(Wilkins), Valerie Geffner(Forensics Technician), Marilyn Raphael(Darlene), Ryan Patrick Bachand(Andy Sherman), Natalie Toro(Housekeeper Maria Sanchez), Robert Kelly(Armando Padilla), Robert Hock(Mr. Hamrick), Angela Pierce(Nurse Jones), Iris Flick(Nurse Whetzel), Cristina L. Fadale(Secretary), Juliet Adair Pritner(Marissa Rossi), Jason Weinberg(Hope's Attorney), Elaine Kussack(Lois)
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11 Oktober 2002, 00:00
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit