Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

8.4 / 10
44 min
Juridisch, Politie
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Seizoen 4, Aflevering 1


The detectives are on the trail of a recently paroled rapist responsible for the murder of a prostitute during a raid at a men's club and are called to the scene where he was shot in self defense by his own gun. However, the murder weapon was also used in another crime while he was still in prison, leading the detectives to investigate the victim through a trail of previously unsolved cases, a spending spree and another victim. They uncover a more serious criminal in the process.
Tamara Tunie(Dr. Melinda Warner), James Biberi(ESU Captain Bauer), Charlayne Woodard(Sister Peg), Judith Light(Elizabeth Donnelly), Kent Cassella(Professor), Dianne Wiest(Interim D.A. Nora Lewin), Sharon Lawrence(Maggie Peterson), Lonette McKee(Attorney Greer), E.J. Carroll(Ronnie), Gary Galone(Uniform Cop #2), Sara Ramirez(Mrs. Barrera), Magaly Colimon(Dr. Erica Olsen), Jurian Hughes(Krista Bertram), Joe Passaro(Supervisor), Keith Tisdell(Ballistics Technician), Leo Kittay(Guy in Suit), Rose Sias(Aggressive), Maria di Angelis(Woman #1), Dwandra Nickole(Mrs. Kerber), Frankie Dellarosa(Court Officer), Lair Torrent(Officer Cabrera), Rick Johnson(Court Clerk), David Lipman(Arthur Cohen), Ed Bogdanowicz(ESU Officer), Andrea Langi(Woman #2)
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27 september 2002, 00:00
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit